Board Policies & Procedures

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This manual includes POLICIES adopted by the Alamo Colleges Board of Trustees, PROCEDURES approved by the Chancellor, and EXHIBITS and FORMS (illustrative charts, forms, definitions, and other supplemental material).

The policies, procedures and other documents in this manual apply to all Alamo Colleges employees and students, including district support services and all other offices and units of the Alamo Colleges. The policies, procedures, and other documents in this manual supersede all previous versions and all other Alamo Colleges policies, procedures, practices, and guidelines. To the extent that any Alamo Colleges policies, procedures, practices, guidelines, handbooks, or other statements of rules conflict with the documents in this manual, the documents in this manual shall control. To the extent that any policy, procedure or other document in this manual is inconsistent with Texas or federal law, the Texas or federal law shall control.

Nothing contained in this manual constitutes an employment contract or an offer to contract with any employee, and nothing contained in this manual changes the employment-at-will status of any employee, or creates any additional rights, remedies at law, or expectations of continued employment.

With the exception of the master policy manual maintained in the District Ethics and Compliance Office, printed copies of this manual are unofficial, and may not contain all of the changes approved by the Board of Trustees.

New and revised policies are generally added to this online manual within five business days after Board adoption. Questions regarding policies may be directed to the District Ethics and Compliance Office at 210-485-0057.

Note: Board policies do not generally repeat legal or regulatory provisions. The Legal Reference Manual maintained by the Texas Association of School Boards Community College Policy Reference Manual contains "legal policies" that can be useful as a general guide to laws that may be applicable to college districts. However, the Alamo Colleges Board of Trustees does not adopt these policies, and they always remain subject to interpretation by the Alamo Colleges Board of Trustees and legal counsel, including interpretation about whether they apply to the Alamo Colleges. Questions about applicable laws may be directed to the Alamo Colleges Office of Legal Services.